JACKSON, Miss. – Gov. Phil Bryant announced today that he has appointed Jim M. Greenlee to the Mississippi Court of Appeals.
The appointment is effective Wednesday, Jan. 20. Greenlee replaces James D. Maxwell, who Gov. Bryant recently appointed to the Mississippi Supreme Court. Greenlee will represent Northeast Mississippi’s District 1.
“To be considered for this position is an honor,” Greenlee said. “To be actually appointed by Governor Bryant as a judge of the Court of Appeals is a humbling experience for which I am truly grateful. My prayer is that I may serve diligently, seeking justice and truth, always mindful that compassion and humility are virtuous. I would hope that others would help me live up to that prayer.”
Greenlee is the former United States Attorney for the Northern District of Mississippi. He currently is in private practice with Holcomb Law Group in Oxford, having joined the firm in 2010. He practices white collar and criminal law, governmental enforcement defense and litigates in federal and state courts.
Greenlee served in the U.S Attorney’s office in Oxford for 22 years. He started as an assistant United States attorney in 1987, working in the Civil Division, where he became the lead civil fraud attorney trying bankruptcy, tort, employment rights, eminent domain and white collar criminal cases.
He was appointed by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the U.S. Senate in 2001 as U.S. Attorney. In that capacity, Greenlee’s office prosecuted white collar crimes, public corruption, drug and gun trafficking, and identity theft cases while also representing the United States in civil cases.
“Jim’s background in private practice and experience as a former federal prosecutor make him uniquely qualified for this position,” Gov. Phil Bryant said. “He has served his country with honor and integrity as a member of the United States Navy, and I’m certain he will do the same for his home state on the Court of Appeals. I’m delighted he has accepted this appointment.”
Greenlee received his bachelor’s of engineering degree from the University of Mississippi in 1974. Afterward, he served active duty in the United States Navy until 1978, and in the United States Navy Reserve until 1997. He retired as a captain. During his reserve service, he served as commanding officer of a Reserve Naval Criminal Investigative Service Unit.
Greenlee graduated from the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1981 and entered private practice in North Mississippi. He served on the Mississippi Bar Special Task Force on the Attorney-Client Privilege. Greenlee has made presentations to the Federal Bar Association, Federal Judicial Center on Charging Decisions and the Sentencing Guidelines, and the International Leadership Conference on Social Justice and Public Policy at the University of Mississippi. He was the keynote speaker at the 2009 convention of The Council on Litigation Management.
Greenlee is a member of the Mississippi State Bar, the Lafayette County Bar Association and is a former member of the Federal Bar Association, having served the Federal Bar as Northern District vice president. A bencher in the William C. Keady Chapter of American Inns of Court, he is also a fellow of The Litigation Counsel of America, an honorary of attorneys in trial practice. Greenlee was inducted as a fellow of the Mississippi Bar Foundation in 2010.
Greenlee is the son of the late Tom and Bill (Margaret) Greenlee of Batesville. He has been married to the former Ann Veazey for over 41 years. They have two married daughters, Veazey Hillmer and Taylor Kilgore.